Using Find & Sed

Posted by Amol Dighe on July 30, 2024

Find files/directories older than +days and check their size

find . -mtime +7 | awk '{print "du -shc " $1}'

Find files/directories older than +days and delete them

  find . -mtime +60 -delete

  find . -type f -mtime +15  -print0 | xargs -0 rm

Find files/directories older than +days and list them

find . -type f -mtime +60  -print0 | xargs -0 ls 

Find file more than specific size

find /var/log  -type f -size +100M

Find file resursively

find . -name <filename>

md5sum of all files in a directory

find . -type f -exec md5sum {} + | LC_ALL=C sort | md5sum

Find files in a directory and perform processing on them and write to log file

cd in dir :\> find . -name '*.gz' -exec sh -c 'gzip -t -v {}' ';'  &>> /logfile
cd in dir :\> find . -name '*.gz' | xargs -n1 gzip -t -v &>> /logfile

Find character & remove it along with trailing characters

root@ns207-ny2:/var/log# less syslog | awk '{print $7}' |  cut -f1 -d"#" | grep 10. |  sort |uniq

search for file modified in 3 days & rsync them to specified directories & create directories if missing

  cd /mnt/n1/Volumes/jocker/wc2/grid/data/public/partners
  find neustar -type f -mtime -3 | xargs -I% rsync -avph -R % /mnt/qnap/Volumes/jocker/wc2/grid/data/public/partners

Using Parallel command with find

find /mnt/backups/n1/mmap/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d | parallel -n1 -j10 --eta --retry 
--joblog /var/log/mmap_backup_jobs/$RANDOM 'aws s3 --exact-timestamps sync s3://new-app-backup/chat/mmap/{/}/ {}/'

Remove trailing character using sed

cat /tmp/chat_pixel_logs-archive-chat_cookies-BAD.log | awk '{print "du -sh "$2}' | sed 's/.$//'

cat chat_pixel_logs-archive-chat_ua-GOOD.log | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v gzip | sed 's/.$//' >> chat_pixel_logs-archive-chat_ua-GOODgzFiles.log

Search for a pattern in a file & comment the line

sed -i /nfs/s/^/#/ /etc/fstab

Remove trailing character using sed

cat /tmp/pixel_logs-archive-dmp_cookies-BAD.log | awk '{print "du -sh "$2}' | sed 's/.$//'

cat pixel_logs-archive-dmp_ua-GOOD.log | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v gzip | sed 's/.$//' >> pixel_logs-archive-dmp_ua-GOODgzFiles.log

Split each string from a file using “/” pattern and print the specific words and remove last 3 character in the string

cat 4TStorage_allBadList_gzip_files.log | awk '{split($0,a,"/"); print a[4]"/"a[5] }' | sed 's/...$//'

List files and rename them by removing last character from each of the file

root@mysql1-n1:/mnt/storage170TB/backups/mysql/06/ ls

for i in `ls`; do mv $i $(ls $i | sed 's/.$//') ; done


root@mysql1-ny2-a1:/mnt/storage170TB/backups/mysql/06/ ls